Picking now. Call NOW to reserve your Bushel of these beans. $55 a bushel. Must preorder TODAY for Pick up Saturday at the information booth at Greeneville Farmers Market, 690 Erwin Hwy.
We thank you for your interest and support of Greene County’s Oldest, Established Farmers Market and our efforts to bring you the healthiest, freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible. We also support local Artist and Local Direct Sales Vendors as part of our Community Service.
Please see the Q&A section if you are having trouble signing up as a new customer or vendor. If you continue to have trouble, please send us email describing your trouble.
This market is using the Locally Grown online farmers market system. More information about how your market or farm can also use this system can be found at locallygrown.net/faq. Legal information about using this website can be found at locallygrown.net/legal.