The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, Vendors, and Staff.

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We Have Fresh Savings


Do you know of any Senior or others that are on SNAP? Please let them know about our program to stretch their food $. We have a program that will match up to $20 on their SNAP card, and give them an additional FREE $20 in TOKENS for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at our market.

Buckets of Rain

Well it sure rained buckets last Saturday.  But we were still open from 9 am to noon.  We even had 2 new vendors, Rebel Hollow Farm, and Umbrella Blessing Farm.

Sorry you all missed us. We had lettuce, goat milk soap, pork chops, lamb, radishes, onions, herbs, eggs, Honey, Sausage, Crafts and more. 

Unless we get drowned out this coming Saturday, we will be waiting for you at the market.  Stay tuned to our Facebook Page for updates and for a list of vendors who will brave the elements on Saturday.  We will also try to do a live feed from the market.

Vendors will be posting here online as soon as they know what and how much they will have of their products.  So keep checking back daily for updates and order online for pick up at the market on Saturday at the information table.


Great Beginnings

Market season is just beginning, and it is going to be a good one.

Our new location, The Doak House Museum, located on The Tusculum College Campus, is a beautiful setting.

We have several new produce vendors as well this year along with a very well known bread vendor. Everyone has vast amounts of produce planted and will be bringing a large amount of fresh LOCALLY grown produce to offer you both here online and at our physical market

As things come in, you will find them listed here, for pick up at the market on Saturdays.

Keep checking back each week to see what might be available.

Mothers Day Special

Take a look under Bath and Beauty for a One Time Only Massage Therapy AT Special for Mothers Day.

A 20 Minute Chair Massage for that special mom in your life for only $10.

Order now, only 6 available.

We'll Be Celebrating Moms on Opening Day

18 Days Left Until Greenville Farmers Market Opening Day

We’re excited to begin another season of produce sales at the Greenville Farmers Market. As many of you are now well aware, we’ll be located at the historic Doak House Museum on Tusculum Rd.

Some New Vendors Have Stepped Up

This past week, we’ve added one new produce vendor and another who will be selling farm fresh eggs. We’re hoping for a bunch more new vendor signups before opening day arrives, so if you’d like to sell, please call Judy Shelton at (423) 552-3023 to learn about becoming a vendor.

Here’s To All the Moms!

As Mother’s Day 2018 falls on the Sunday following our Market Opening Day, we’re going to be celebrating moms at the market. Bring a mom, buy a hand-made or locally-grown gift for your mom, or if you are a mom— come have a great day with us at the market. We hope to see all you moms there!

As always, with a new week, our Online Market is open and ready for business.

Have a great week everybody! Here’s to Spring sticking this time!

While Mother Nature Seems Confused, Our Vendors Are Ready!

As we begin our new week and prepare to open the online market, we have some thoughts to share with you all. This wild Spring weather will challenge us, but we will push onward. Our GFM online and physical market customers want fresh produce and locally-produced crafts. Our participating growers and crafters are dedicated to delivering on your expectations!

More Wacky Weather From Mother Nature

Flashback about one month ago and we posted a blog on this very site talking about Mother Nature’s wild tricks. Spring one day, Winter the next, Spring again, ooops— here’s Winter. Well sadly my friends, we’ve been duped again. Just about an hour prior to my writing this update, I let the dog out only to get pelted by sleet and freezing rain.

Alas, despite the whims of Mother Nature, our potatoes, luffas, garlic, swiss chard and more are already in the ground. So, we’re hoping and praying we get back to warm weather and stay with it until market opening day on May 12th.

*is the wild weather affecting your Spring garden plans? Feel free to share your story with us. Email: and, with your permission, we’ll share your story with our customers in the weeks to come.

Our market customers are awaiting your talent, craft, or produce!

We touched on this last week, but it is still on our hearts. When you see the joy of a farmer’s market customer coming up to your table and smiling as they exchange their hard-earned money for the produce you’ve sweated and toiled to produce on your land, it’s a glorious feeling. Farmer’s markets create win-win situations.

Our question for you is this: What good, skill, or service are you holding back from the Greenville community? We’re actively seeking new vendors, crafters, and teachers who can provide workshops at our market this year. Please, reach out to Judy Shelton @ 552-3023 if you have any questions about becoming a vendor, or about providing a workshop this season.

Is your small garden producing an excess of some crop every season? Are you spending a lot of time canning, preserving and drying your excess? Well, our market customers might be eagerly searching for that crop you produce. If you don’t step up and become a vendor, they may never get what they’re after. Help us bring an abundance and a variety to our wonderful Greeneville fresh produce buyers this season.

Become a vendor on our online market today as well!

We wish you all the best this week and Spring gets back on her feet and tries to stand tall against the last blows of Winter. Are your crops in the ground? Are you taking all the steps required to ensure a plentiful and abundant harvest this year? Get out there sow, so that you may reap in season!

Greenville Farmer's Market is Back and Better Than Ever At Our New Doak House Museum Location!

Come out to the scenic, serene and historic setting at the Doak House Museum, conveniently located on Erwin Hwy in Tusculum. This season’s opening day is Saturday, May 12th. Come explore our wide assortment of vendors’ offerings every Saturday from 9am until 1pm. Our exciting produce selection and excellent hand-crafted goods will be available every week, all Summer long, through the month of October.

Check out our great new location!

We’ve chosen the Doak House for our new location due to the wonderful, natural setting, easy and free parking and for the great space it provides our vendors and shoppers. As many of you know, The Doak House Museum is a historic landmark in Greene County. To learn more about the Doak House’s interesting history, click here.

We’ve got much in store for you this year

You’ll want to visit the Greenville Farmer’s Market every Saturday all season long, as the vendor assortment and offerings will change from each week to the next. Expect a delicious and nutritious selection of seasonal produce, vendors offering hand-made craft goods, baked goods, and the work of local visual artists.

We’re looking for additional vendors. Come sell your wares!

All we require of our vendors is their commitment to selling only self-produced produce, crafts, and goods. Please, no resellers!
There is no garden too small.

Our shoppers love locally grown produce, and you just might have that one crop nobody else is offering. You can sign up to be a vendor via our online vendor application (click here). We’re currently accepting applications for year-round as well as special event vendors. For more information about becoming a vendor, please call Judy Shelton @ 552-3023. Vendors must provide their own tents, tables, table coverings / skirts, chairs and trash receptacles.

The Greenville Farmers Market is excited to continue in its 24 years, with our greatest shopping experience ever, thanks to our new location at the Doak House Museum. You’ll find our location very easily accessible from the Downtown Greenville area. Simply take Old Tusculum Rd. to Erwin Hwy, turn right and look for the Doak House on your right. We hope to see you all out there every Saturday, all Summer long!

Rural Resources


Rural Resources Farm is on a former tobacco farm where we now practice sustainable methods to ensure this land for future generations of farmers. We practice organic farming methods, and only use antibiotics as needed and prescribed by the vet. We are a local non-profit connecting farms, food, and families through educational experiences. One of those educational experiences is our Farm and Food Teen Training Program that works with at-risk low income youth from around the county that have food security issues to help improve their food choices and availability. We do this through an intensive 4 year program where teens progress through different levels of food production. In year 1 the teens learn garden and livestock managements with the opportunity of having a home garden. The second year, the teens work with local chefs to learn how to cook fresh food in a healthy manner and use different kitchen equipment from standard home equipment to commercial. During the year, teens also cater meals in the community to reinforce skills they have learned and pick up some job skills. The 3rd and 4th year our teens learn about business development, planning, and implementation. Through this program, pigs have become the teens main livestock learning opportunity.

Heritage hogs are becoming very popular to grow on pastures again as farmers begin to think more about sustainable practices. *Rural Resources Farm and Food Teen Training Program *have been raising a heritage hog, hereford, over the past 10 years. The teens have been producing a few each year for meat production and have begun selling the meat to help cover expenses. The pastured pork program has allowed at-risk low income teens to learn about animal husbandry and business practices. They have spent time learning about rotational grazing practices and the use of cover crops to feed our little herd. The hogs have allowed the teens a hand on experience on farming and food security. Beyond this learning, the teens have learned responsibility, life skills, communication skills, business planning and implementation, and customer service. This project allows us many opportunities to support our mission of connecting farms, food, and families. Beyond just raising the pork for sale, a few piglets in the stock each year are gifted to teens for them to raise for meat to help support their families’ food needs. Purchasing our pork is supporting not only a local farm, but a mission that is making an impact in our community to help educate youth about their food and to impact those who are food insecure.

You can find our products on line at http//
You will also find us at several local Farmers Markets throughout the season with our products.


Physical Market Opening Soon

PHONE: 423-552-3023

Open for the week

The Online Market is now open for the week.

Check out all our goodies available here online.

Our physical market opens May 12. Don’t forget we have moved to The Doak House Museum for the physical market.

It’s a beautiful locations, under the trees. We are all excited and are looking forward to seeing all of you again.

Vendors, Board and Volunteers