The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, Vendors, and Staff.

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Happy June!

Welcome to June where the days are longer and hotter!

We have some exciting things going on this month.

TRACES Foster Care serves children and teens up to age 18 years old that are in state’s custody due to abuse or neglect and those who have behavioral or emotional problems. Becoming a foster parent means making a commitment to a child that you will be there for them until they are able to return to a parent, a relative, become independent or be adopted. Though the process may not always be easy, making the difference in the life of a child can be one of life’s most rewarding gifts. Foster parents can teach a child to learn to trust and hope again through building meaningful relationships with caring adults. TRACES is looking for special families who are willing and open to sharing their homes and hearts with a child who is in need of help. At TRACES, our foster parents help children grow. To celebrate this, we will be allowing children and youth the opportunity to plant their own sunflowers to take home. Join TRACES Saturday 6/5/2021 at the Greeneville Farmers Market to learn more about how you can make a difference in the life of a child.

A new grass fed beef vendor- Woolsey Overlook Farm, is planning on being there June 12th.

We have our annual Father’s Day event on June 19th from 9-2. We have space for more vendors.

We continue to take EBT/SNAP and participate in the DoubleUp Food Bucks program. Which allows an EBT/SNAP user to get additional tokens for herbs and vegetables up to $20.
“This project is funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee.”
More to come!